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[UPDATE] Pool Opening

Dear Shannon Vista Neighbors, It is with great excitement we announce the opening of our pool on Saturday, 5/30/20 at 9:00 am. With the current situation we are asking each resident to please be an active participant in keeping everyone safe. All residents must adhere to all CDC recommended guidelines while at the pool. You are using the facility at your own risk. COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease and the Shannon Vista HOA is not liable if you get sick while using the pool and facilities.  If you feel sick or in a high risk category, it is highly recommended that you do not use the facilities.  If these guidelines are not followed the pool will be shut down until we can use it at full capacity. Please be helpful in fighting the disease. We ask that you help keep the bathrooms, door knobs, etc. clean by wiping them down periodically. All pool furniture will be stacked and chained so that they cannot be used.  Each homeowner must bring their own seating to the pool.  Anything left at the pool will be thrown away at the end of each day.  The pool management company will do their best to keep a constant supply of wipes and sanitizer available. Since the facility will be functioning at half capacity (deck area 70 people and pool 35 people) the HOA is asking neighbors to be respectful and limit the time spent at the pool; especially if capacity is going to be exceeded.  No outside visitors are allowed to use the pool.  Signs will be posted showing our capacity limits. Please contact Braesael Management with any questions. With everyone’s help we can all get through this together. Enjoy the pool!!


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