For those who haven't yet signed up on TownSq Here is a message from Associa:
As many of you are aware, you received two sets of annual mailings. We, Associa Carolinas, sincerely apologize for this mishap, and we assure you that Association will not be charged for the second mailing. The correct mailing included the statement for $341.00 along with the attached inserts. You may disregard the coupon booklet with the assessment amounts at $310.00. If you have any further questions on this, please reach out to me.
Residents have also reviewed the budget that was attached with the correct mailing and had several questions we would like to address. The 2021 budget is broken down into a few sections.
These expenses cover contractual costs between the Association and Associa to manage the account and are only charged on an as-used basis.
These expenses cover contractual costs between the Association and Associa to communicate with Members, vendors, etc. through mail and expenses associated with community events.
This expense covers the insurance premiums as required in the governing documents. The insurance is likely to increase in 2021.
These expenses cover the utilities within the Association’s common areas. The electric expense covers street lights, the pool, etc. There are three accounts. The water expense covers the pool and irrigation use. The cable expense covers internet and phone at the clubhouse. A phone is required at the pool, and there is also internet at the pool to be used by residents using these common areas. The security locks on these common areas also require the internet so that the software can run to lock and unlock the devices.
These expenses mostly cover the contract with Terra Green. The landscape repair and maintenance line item covers bush hogging three times a year plus $1,700 for any landscape repair. The Board does have some projects in mind to improve some of the landscaping. The mulch line item refers to the pine needles in the common area, and we will update that to read Pine Needles instead of Mulch.
This expense covers the irrigation within the common areas.
This expense covers the pool permit.
Contracted Services
These expenses are for the Clubhouse. The janitorial line item is based on clubhouse cleanings outside of rentals. The pest control line item is based on quarterly services with Team Pest USA. The pool contract line item is based on the contract with Swim Club Management. The safety and security line item is based on services with Loc-Doc for lock maintenance and other lock and security repairs. Loc-Doc is who ensures the locks on the common areas work correctly, so there is a monthly fee for this service.
Repair and Maintenance
These expenses are based on historical data and would cover any repair and maintenance to the common areas. This does not cover the replacement; those expenses are allocated to the reserves.
Professional Services
The legal services line item covers expenses for which the Association is billed for legal advice. This does not cover any collection costs for specific lots as those are billed directly to the homeowner. The management fees are part of the contract between the Association and Associa.
Reserve Expense
This expense shows how much of the assessments will be moved to reserves for replacement items in the future.
Lastly, your ballot stated that a return envelope would be include with a stamp. Rebecca and I will be coming door-to-door next week to drop off your envelopes with a stamp. If you are not home, we will leave it in your door the best we can. Please remember you can return your ballot via email so long as it is signed. We are also happy to collect your ballot next week when we knock on the door to give you your envelope if you are ready to return it. We are looking forward to putting some faces with names.
If you have any questions about the budget or anything Shannon Vista related, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Have a Happy New Year!
Thank you!
Malia Stewart
We hope everyone has a Happy New Year!