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A Message From Your Board Regarding The Dry Ponds

Hello Neighbors of Shannon Vista,

We are writing regarding the dry ponds.  This project will take many steps to get them to look and operate in the way they were meant to be when the neighborhood was developed.   We are working with the landscape company to do a little more removal of debris from the Hoosac dry pond.  We are also working with a few different landscape groups on the next steps to repair the drainage in the dry ponds.  Eventually they will be grass, with weekly maintenance the same as the other common areas.  Again, this will take time.  Our lawncare company will also try to be diligent in cleaning up any debris or trash that may collect in the dry ponds.  That is out of our control.  Trash blows from the cans on windy days, flows when there are storms, etc.  It is not necessarily anyone tossing their trash into the dry ponds.

The major problem with the dry ponds is the riding of dirt bikes in them.  They are not made to be used for that.  Right now, with the condition of the ponds, the dirt bikes are causing ruts.  This will make more work for the landscape company to even and level it out to grow grass and get it back into working order for what the ponds were meant to do. Riding any motorized vehicles or playing in them is strictly prohibited.  We will post signs at both the Verrazano and Hoosac dry ponds.  It is considered trespassing once the signs are posted.  Every time someone takes it upon themselves to remove the signs, we will have to replace them.  That is a cost to the community.  If you know who removed the signs, or know who is riding in the dry ponds, please have a talk with them.  We are working hard to make the community look nice and improve the appearance of the dry ponds.  The dirt bikes and the sign removal are someone working against the community.


Thank you,

The HOA Board Members


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